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Emergency / Call Assist Range 

Call Assist and Emergency one button GSM range.

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Coastal Alert is a major part of safety on the coast. With dedicated emergency services for aiding in cliff accidents, drowning, boat failure, and more.
Many times, it’s seen but no way of reporting a potentially life-threatening situation. The Coastal Watch intercom could be positioned on promenades, coastal walkways, beaches but also inland lakes and rivers. With the addition of solar power as an option, it could be fully off-grid with a high-gain antenna for better reception.
When it’s the off-season it could be mounted close to lifeguard stations in case of emergency. The device can be programmed with a specific number. An example, if positioned at a harbour it could be programmed to the harbour master, or it could be directed to the local coast guard.


Have you ever found yourself stuck outside a nightclub or even a shopping centre and discovered you’ve forgotten your phone or run out of credit?
Have you ever found it difficult to call a taxi and googled many taxi firms to try and get a pickup?
This Taxi Intercom is designed to mount on a pole or wall in a designated area that would benefit the user in calling a taxi with ease. Being GSM (mobile), it can be mounted anywhere with programmed telephone numbers that will call directly to a taxi or to a taxi call centre where the advisor will order you a taxi from their fleet. Ideal for hotel lobbies, grocery stores, shopping malls even standalone inner-city areas where taxis are accessible. Airport arrival areas and train and bus stations are other examples of usage.

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Call for Assistance GSM Intercom designed for theme parks and public areas. Ever lost a child at a busy venue? This call point could be mounted to alert the complex management or control room so camera operators can help trace a child.
Likewise, it could be used as an information station where customers can call to find out where the nearest first aid area is or speak with an attendant to gain access to a specific area.
Safari parks and zoos may benefit from Call Assist points to help their visitors.


Have you ever hiked up a mountain, got lost in a national park, or needed help after a fall skiing?
This call-to-assist intercom could be solar-powered and positioned in remote areas where a person may need assistance.
For example, some forestry parks could use this as an early warning sign for forest fires. A hiker could alert the caretaker of a flood, mudslide, injured animal, or potential hazard or fire.  
Positioned on remote ski runs on a ski resort could aid in getting help quickly.

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Public areas are increasing safety as a priority, especially for many council parks and play areas. The Call Assist intercom could benefit the public. In an emergency, visitors can call for help.
This could be for safety, reporting antisocial behaviour or used as a deterrent if being pursued or attacked.
It could be used for public services like a tram, train, and bus station or stop.


These call points can be used outside the business for delivery drivers to call if they need assistance or inform the company that they have arrived or need assistance. 


Enquire today for a bespoke unit

Do you have an idea or scenario where a one-button call point or emergency intercom would be beneficial? There are so many applications that we can help with. Need a specific colour? We can match your company or branding colours.

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